LIC. JOSÉ VALENTIN SOLIS Y ARIAS. Born in Mexico City (1949), he holds a degree in Economics from the Faculty of Economics at UNAM, with a Master's degree in Economics from Brunel University in the United Kingdom. He has worked in the public and private sectors and has been a director in more than 40 companies, including Almancenadora BANCOMER, Almacenadora SERFÍN, Almacenes Nacionales de Depósito, Bodegas Rurales CONASUPO, Maíz Industrializado CONASUPO, LICONSA and the rest of the CONASUPO subsidiaries. In the public sector, he served as Director of Supply for DICONSA, General Director of Grains and Oilseeds, General Director of Commercial Coordination and General Director of Basic Products for SECOFI; In foreign trade, he negotiated and established the operation of the CCC (Commodity Credit Corporation) credit lines for the acquisition of grains and oilseeds from the USA, as well as the corresponding lines with the EDS of Canada and BLADEX for the acquisition of agricultural products from South America. He was also a member of the Board of Directors of BANAMEX and created the placement of bank acceptances for the acquisition of national wheat crops. In the private sector, he developed unions and associations of grain processors for the acquisition and import of grasses, highlighting the Unions of Puebla, Sonora and Sinaloa for livestock products, as well as the unionization of wheat companies in the Valley of Mexico. In the case of corn, he promoted and developed the Miller's Trust, which brought together more than 1,000 millers from the Valley of Mexico, promoting mechanisms for direct competition with the market in substitution of CONASUPO operations. Director and shareholder of the companies Contrimol and Maizal de Escala Máxima. Consultant for the UN and the World Bank on several occasions.

 ING. ALEJANDRO JESÚS TRUEBA CARRANZA. Born in Mexico City (1949), he is an Agricultural Engineer specializing in Soils from the National School of Agriculture of Chapingo and Master in Agricultural Sciences from the College of Postgraduates; with specialties in the Effective Management of Irrigation at the University of Southampton, England, and in Public Policies of the Agricultural and Forestry Sector at INAP. In his professional career he has held public positions such as General Director of Agricultural Promotion at SAGARPA with the national coordination of Agricultural Promotion Programs, Integration of Agri-Food Chains, Technification and Productive Reconversion in Irrigation Areas and the National Seed Inspection and Certification Service (SNICS); General Director of Agricultural Policy with SAGARPA and Agricultural Development (SAGAR). He has developed activities for the promotion of the agricultural sector with funds from the World Bank, agricultural product standards, seed inspection and certification, promotion of irrigation units, soil and water conservation and phytosanitary regulation. In terms of union representation, he has been Manager of the Mexican Sorghum Council, AC, Vice President of the College of Agricultural Engineers of Mexico, AC, and Member of the Advisory Council for Rural Development of SAGAR, and also National Consultant of the SPP/UNIDO/MEX Project 82-105 Shared Risk, Productivity and Technological Change in the Food Chain.

 ING. GABRIEL ERNESTO GÓMEZ CRUZ, Born in the Federal District (1965), Transportation Engineer from the National Polytechnic Institute in the Interdisciplinary Professional Unit of Engineering and Social and Administrative Sciences (UPIICSA), expert with more than fifteen years of experience in Logistics, Physical Distribution and Traffic, Developing projects in the areas of Grain Distribution, Security, Consulting, Hygiene and Cleaning Products and in Government.

 DR. ANDRÉS ALFREDO IRUEGAS Y EVARISTO. Originally from Saltillo, Coahuila (1939), he graduated as an Agricultural Engineer in Agricultural Industries from the National School of Agriculture in Chapingo, with a Master's degree in Agricultural Sciences in Genetic Improvement and Cereal Technology from North Dakota State University, USA and a Doctorate in Agronomic Philosophy. He is an advisor to the Directorate of the College of Postgraduates and a Research Professor in the Postgraduate Program in Food Science at the Ibero-American University on topics related to cereal and grain technology and experimental design. In his professional practice he has been an industrial development researcher with various public and private institutions, specializing in the genetic improvement of the quality of agricultural products, cereal technology, cereal standardization processes, research in food science, design of food experiments, statistical control of food processes, development of new products and substitution of raw materials. It has also developed schemes for quality certification of grains and other agri-food products, verification of agro-industrial processes (warehouses, infrastructure, equipment, laboratories), courses and training manuals.

 LIC. FRANCISCO JAVIER VILLA ZÁRATE. Originally from the Federal District (1951), he holds a degree in Economics and a Master's Degree in Economic Sciences from UNAM and a Doctorate in Financial Sciences from the Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, in addition to a Diploma in Economic Planning and Policy / SPP ONU, courses in Risk Management Program with The Options Clearing Corporation and a Diploma in Management Development at ITESM. He currently teaches the course on Risk Analysis and Portfolio Management at UNAM. He was Director of Operations in the Mexican Derivatives Market, MexDer, in the supervision of compliance with the trading standards on the trading floor and in the electronic trading system, and coordinator of operational aspects of the market; Deputy Director of New Products in the Vice Presidency of Strategic Planning and Specialist in the General Planning Directorate of the Mexican Stock Exchange.

 ERNESTO SOLORIO ALVAREZ. Originally from the Federal District (1968), he has worked for 17 years as a salesman and sales supervisor for companies such as Grupo Pepsico de México S.A. de C.V. and Coca Cola Femsa S.A. de C.V., and Grupo Prolesa S.A. de C.V. (dairy products). For the past 9 years he has specialized in the purchase and sale of grains, especially corn, with the companies MASTORTILLA DE ESCALA MAXIMA S.A. DE C.V., CONTRIMOL S.A de C.V. and MAIZAL DE ESCALA MÁXIMA S.A. de C.V., as well as in the provision of equipment and warehouses for the reception and certification of grains.

 JUAN JOSÉ ALVARADO GUERRERO. Originally from Mexico City (1967), he has worked for over 17 years in sales in companies such as: SKYTEL Comunicaciones M-Tel As supervisor and coordinator of points of sale and distribution networks for alternate channels and brand positioning in shopping centers, Inalambrica S.A. de C.V. In the creation of local and regional distribution networks, sales record management, supervision of telemarketing sales (cool center), as well as customer retention. Casa Autrey S. A. de C.V. In the sales area, distribution of pharmaceutical and perfume products, customer service and retention. Efectivale S. A. De C. V. Sales and affiliation of establishments for the acceptance of grocery, gasoline, and restaurant vouchers. As well as the management of sales through tenders.

 ING RODRIGO SOLIS ROSTRO Originally from Mexico City (1978), he is an Industrial and Systems Engineer, graduated from the Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, with a specialty in finance. He collaborated in the study and construction of machinery for the production of nixtamal dough without effluents, as well as in research carried out at the Ibero-American University and the State of Mexico on the physical properties of tortillas; for their fortification and improvement. He worked as a financial analyst at the consulting firm Desarrollo y Financiamiento de Proyectos (D&FP), where he collaborated in studies such as the creation of a Procrea Agent as well as the study for the construction of the New Mexico City Airport.

 ING Marcos Colín Originario del Distrito Federal (1970) es Ingeniero en Bioquímica Industrial egresado de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Campus Iztapalapa, con especialidad en Ingeniería Económica. Ha sido colaborador en diversas áreas, tales como Minería, análisis y extracción de materiales pétreos, análisis de datos, en brindar soluciones tecnológicas en al ámbito agrario, tanto para control de plagas y mejora de cultivos,
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